Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Can You Hear Me Now?

We took JD to the doctor this morning and all ear and respiratory infections are cleared up! The doctor took a look at his molars and said they were most likely the cause of all of our troubles.

I guess we will see if being able to chew food is worth three weeks of misery...

In other news, Jon and I went to the Stars game last night and they won in overtime!! Woo-hoo! Go Stars! (JD is just pouting because we got to go to the game and he didn't).


Lindsay said...

I am so happy to hear the great news! Go JD and Go Stars! :)

Ouida said...

That news is great! I am so happy he can hear etc. well now. We thank the Lord!

Dara said...

So glad he is all clear! Don't you just love hearing that when at the doctor's office? I love it since I don't hear it often! Hopefully, JD's will all be behind him now!