I'm not sure if it is like this for other moms/wives, but I find myself treating Jon like I treat JD when he is sick. For some reason my sympathetic actions are the same whether it is for a little kid or a big one!
I made Jon some soup and grilled cheese (his favorite when he is sick) and I encouraged him to drink lots of liquids. But he has had such a busy week, that he hasn't really had any time to rest.
And he has so much to look forward to that I know he wants to feel better. Tonight we are going to a hockey game, while JD stays with Grandma. Tomorrow we are putting up our Christmas tree and decorations, and of course, we have the Thanksgiving Cowboys game to watch. Friday is Thanksgiving with my family and Saturday is Jon's family Thanksgiving/Christmas.
I'm praying that he feels a lot better today! I'm putting a picture of a time when he felt like he was on top of the world (literally and figuratively) as inspiration to get better!
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