Sunday, January 20, 2008

One Small Step for Man, Two Giant Steps for JD

We hit a HUGE milestone today!! JD took his first steps! He has been threatening for weeks to do this, cruising around the room by holding on to the furniture and the walls.

Tonight, the temptation of chewing on new dress shoes proved to be greater than the fear of taking wobbly steps without the furniture. While trying to get to his yummy shoes, he crossed into the great unknown as he stepped twice without the security of anything to hold on to.

We are so proud!!


Dara said...

This is just the beginning!!! How exciting! Hope you plan to wear your running shoes daily! Aunt Dara is very proud. Love my baby nephew!

Heather said...

How fun!! Can't wait to see him do it in person...

Dara said...

Did you see Becky's video of Lucas walking yet? My two little buddies are taking off!!! It's the beginning of the end of babyhood! sniff!