Saturday, February 27, 2010

2 Months

We made it! It has been a long road, but we are finally at the two month mark. Miss Meg has definitely given us a run for our money. Apparently JD was an "easy" baby (I would have never guessed it)!

But we had a landmark night last night - she slept a whopping 6 hours in a row! This couldn't have come at a better time since I was battling a 102 degree fever yesterday.

We took her into the doctor on Thursday, who pronounced her very strong and cute! She is weighing in at 10 lbs 4 oz (30th percentile) and 22 1/2 inches long (50th percentile). When she got her shots, we discovered a whole new cry that we didn't know she had! So sad!!

She is smiling a bunch now and cooing when you talk to her. Meg likes to blow spit bubbles and enjoys classical music from her Baby Einstein MP3 player. (This sounds like a personals ad for single babies)

Miss Meg still likes to sleep a lot, but she is playing much more with us and thinks her big brother is hilarious (I have to agree on that one).

Can't wait to see how Month #3 stacks up!

Monday, February 15, 2010


My sweet family really treated me like a queen for Valentine's Day this year!

On Friday, Jon, JD and Meg gave me 2 dozen roses, my favorite chocolates, chocolate covered strawberries and a beautiful card! Jon also made me a delicious Pacific Northwest dinner (crab stuffed salmon, roasted red potatoes and asparagus) so we could watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics!

On Saturday, Dan and Heather watched our kiddos for us (thank you, thank you, thank you) so that we could have a date night alone (which we haven't done since before the baby was born). Jon and I went to Houston's (where we had our first date) and had a great time people watching since the All Star game was this past weekend and Houston's definitely attracted that crowd!

It was so special!! I feel so loved by my little family and I love them all to pieces!

In other news, Baby Meg is starting to play more and smile more at all of us. She is fussing a little less and sleeping a tiny bit more - we even had one night with 5 1/2 hours in a row! I'm having so much fun getting to know her a bit better!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Much Fun!

I can't believe that we had almost 12 inches of snow here in Dallas over the past 24 hours! It was so fun to watch it come down in big, fat chunks!

When I woke JD up yesterday and showed him the snow, he said, "It's Colorado!" He still had school, but he got out early. After we got home, I let him play for as long as he wanted (almost an hour and a half!).

Daddy came home to play for a bit during his lunch break.

They built a snowman and JD named it "Manny." Of course, he knocked it down within 10 minutes.

He finally decided that he was done and we had some hot chocolate to warm up!

Yay for record snowfall in Dallas!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Kind of Prayer

Jon pretty much always does the bedtime tuck in with JD at nighttime. And they have their routine down!

First, they find JD's two blue blankets, blue bear and yellow bear to tuck in with him. Then he puts his water on a stool next to the bed.

Then, JD says "Thank You Jesus for...(insert all of the names, items etc that he wants to express his gratitude for on that day).

Next, Daddy has to repeat the "Thank You Jesus" prayer that JD just said.

Finally, Daddy says this prayer that is a tradition in his family from Numbers 6:24-26 in the Bible:

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.

JD has started to repeat this prayer with Daddy now. And last night, JD added a little something extra at the very end...

when Daddy said "and give you peace," JD added "and give me a piece of pizza!"

That's my boy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Signs of Neglect

My poor blog is showing signs of neglect lately! I have definitely had trouble finding the energy to write anything recently. Our little family keeps getting sick, added to the fun of a newborn that doesn't seem to want to get on any type of schedule. This week, JD, Meg and I have all been sick.

I discovered that I have all sorts of pictures on my camera the other day that I haven't even downloaded. But since our primary computer is having technical difficulties, I can't even post any new pictures.

In other news, we weighed Baby Meg the other night and she is now 9.5 lbs! Nowhere near what her big brother was at the same age, but gaining weight nicely anyway.

I've also started reading again, now that I have run out of all of my dvr'd tv shows. I finally read last month's book club read There's a Slight Chance I May Be Going to Hell by Laurie Donato (a good read). I also read this month's book club book Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker (can't comment until after our upcoming book club meeting). I also managed to squeeze in two more books of lighter fare - an old Danielle Steele book, called A Good Woman that my mom passed on to me (perfect for late night mindless reading) and a book that I received from my book club buddy Lauren for Christmas by the author of the Shopaholic series, Sophie Kinsella called Three for Cocktails.

There was a character in the Cocktails book that had just had a baby and I could SOOO relate to the things she was saying about feeling fat and exhausted and overwhelmed. I actually read some of the more hilarious excerpts to Jon, who agreed with me about the comparison. It does feel good to be reading again!