Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy 20 Months of Life!

Today, my sweet boy is 20 months old!! I can't believe how quickly it has gone by. He will be two years old in the blink of an eye!

JD is always on the go and loves to run around and play anywhere and anytime. He loves reading books and is learning his letters. He LOVES cars or anything with wheels. He has a pretty big vocabulary, although he needs to work on his enunciation on several words.

He is so sweet with anyone who gives him attention and especially loves playing with the older kids (like Cousin Emma and Aunt Mercy). He gives great hugs and kisses, but it can get a bit slobbery.

JD can tell you how old he is, how big he is, give you a "tater" or a five, show you a touchdown and can pat pat (like on Little Einsteins). He will say "whoa" about anything that is a big deal in his eyes and "whee" when he thinks about slides.

I love how my little boy is growing up and can't wait to see what the next phase in his life brings!


  1. Tater :)

    Haven't heard that in a while. Let me guess. Courtesy of the uncles?

  2. I love the picture of JD with the horse on your header. Too cute!
